Could this "paradigm shift" be THE Scientific Breakthrough of the Century?
Could this "paradigm shift" be THE Scientific Breakthrough of the Century?
Signed in as:
1, Computed Newton's G, and Planck units to 11-digits of precision, and Fine Structure Constant, α, to 63-digits.
2. Turn mainstreams inside-out perceptions of the universe right-side-out. All observers are at the outer most edge of ever-expanding Event Horizon "Now-Manifold" which is the boundary between all of time and Eternity.
Now = limit as time approaches Eternity.
3. Introduce a Third Relativity Theory - Cosmological Relativity. All Relativity theories involve rotating one spatial dimension relative to the local "Arrow of Time".
4. Explain the source of mass:
hBar/c^2 = PlanckMass * PlanckTime.
= 1.173369x10^-51 [kg s]
The increment that the Universe (Higgs Field)
gives up its turn to manifest mass and gives it to other particle-types.
5. Explain away Dark Energy misconceptions with the realization that the duration of a second increases by an astonishing 4.27x10^25 {Planck times/second) per each passing second.
6. Explain Quantum Gravity in terms of harmonic splitting of Plank units while gravitons spread forth as radial lines curving along the time dimension in all directions (dispersion) at the speed of light. Space curvature relaxes as concentric circles that are at right angles to the radial timelines.
7. Resolve Dark Matter by calculating 4D volume of galactic sized dents made by the normal matter within each galaxy.
Turns out time is not linear. To come to an understanding of the nature of Expanding Space~Time. Realize that it took 13.762 billion years (or 4.34298x10^17 seconds) for the duration of a "second" to grow to be as long as it is today. Today each second is about 1.85x10^43 Planck times. Dividing this by the number of seconds old the universe tells us two things:
(1) How many Planck times long the 1st second of the universe was.
(2) Each subsequent second gets longer by this same amount.
Answer: 4.27093 x 10^25 Planck times per second.
Net effect is that each time the universe doubled in size -- it took twice as long than the previous doubling. But because each subsequent second keeps growing -- the number of Planck times Quadruples with each doubling. Net effect is everything is expanding, every atom expands, every meter stick gets longer, every pendulum swings slower, every clock and Cesium 133 atom oscillates slower in lockstep with the duration of our ever growing second.
As we expand our perceptions of the past are distorted by the inverse square of the look-back time. So, 3/4ths of the age of the universe is between us now and when the universe was half its current size. 1/4th of the age is in the 1st half of its size. The further back we look the more it magnifies time and distances. Galaxies when the universe was half its current size -- their image gets magnified a factor of 2 while their brightness gets reduced by a factor of 4. This creates the illusion of flatness.
Albert Einstein discovered 2 out of 3 Relativity Theories.
1. Special Relativity: electrodynamics of moving bodies. The orbital paths of electron-wavicles are at the speed of light, so when objects accelerate towards the speed of light time for those electrons slows in accord with the Lorentz transformations.
2. General Relativity: Gravity is caused by matter slowing the normal expansion rate of Space~Time. In effect this creates a dent in time which relaxes radially from the object at the speed of light. This dent in time results in space being curved around the massive object.
3. Cosmological Relativity: as time progress forward everything expands metrics & Mass~Charge metrics.
Einstein proposed the idea of inertial reference frames. These were always on the spacetime manifold -- which I call the Now-Manifold. The problem being that our perceptions are tied to the dynamics of our own expansion.
I'm proposing a higher dimensional perspective which transcends this Now-Manifold. A mental perspective "from above" that holds to a fixed set of metrics while watching the whole universe expand.
Surprise! There is NOT just ONE Arrow of Time for the whole Universe. Think of each galaxy as having its own Arrow of Time. It's position within the universe determines the direction of its Arrow of Time as it expands away from the 4D origin (0,0,0,1).
It helps to think of the universe expanding within a Holographic Cosmic Onion.
Where each galaxy is expanding away from the center. The Planck-time thin Onion-layers are like holographic film that capture a memory of the mass manifestations of wavicles.
Each particle type has its corresponding wavicle-type. Each has a specific frequency in [radians/second]:
omega_particle = (mass_particle * c^2)/hBar
Wavicles have 2 kinds of angular momentum:
(1) Angular momentum due to its mass which accounts for the "orbital" radius that the particle spreads forth its mass-time in quantized increments of 1.173369392e-51 [kg s]
= PlanckMass*PlanckTime = hBar / c^2
(2) Angular momentum of charge radius is the amplitude of its wavefunction.
The electron-wavicle is a torus whose major radius is about 137 units whereas the charge radius of the electron is 1/137th of a unit.
The ratio reveals that the Bohr radius is 18,778
times larger than the electron's charge radius.
This charge radius is the Electrodynamic part of Einstein's famous 1905 paper: "On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies."
In today's upside-down world. This may come as a shock to some, but the Earth is a sphere. Which way is up? That depends on your Latitude/Longitude.
Turns out the whole universe is like that!
Mainstream perceptions of the whole universe have been inside-out. They "think" that the edge of the universe is at the extreme outer limits -- that perception is inside-out. The Cosmic Microwave Background appears to be "out" beyond the most distant galaxies, the truth is it is at the core of Space~Time. Cosmological Lensing magnifies both space and time.
The truth is that we (and observers in all galaxies) are -- right Now -- at the edge of Space~Time looking backwards into the depths of time. All the light we see has been traversing expanding space the entire duration of its journey where all observers occupy the Space~Time volume that has expanded the most. We all and observers in all galaxies are living on the outer-most edge of Space~Time.
You will hear people say, that "electrons do not spin", because they "think" they are calculating the speed of a tiny sphere spinning faster than the speed of light.
The electron is a particle only 4x10^-23rd or
0.000000000000000000004185% of the time. The rest of the time the electron is a wave,
99.9999999999999999999958% that's 99.999...% with 22 9's before the 58
First, we understand that we measure the wavelength of the light along the propagation axis of its "sine-wave". We are NOT measuring the up-n-down curves -- only along the zero-point centerline. Electron-wavicles do this, only the centerline path is the Bohr radius now forming a spiral staircase along its path. Imagine you're the size of the electron charge radius. electron-you are in a tower with a spiral staircase forming before you just as fast as you can climb. Just as you're ready to that the next step the step materializes into existence.
step up 11.7 Planck times in-a-row and forms a step that's more like a when a zig-zag stairwell has a plateau area where the door to each floor is. This 57.3-degree plateau area (1-radian) gets allocated 1-quantumKilogram of mass around the while its circumference adds 1-Planck length. It takes 6.28 such steps (2π) to complete a full 360-degrees -- that means it will always be a different angular position.
What's happening here is the electron-wavicle is like light wave only this light wave is curled about the Bohr radius. That paths centerline is what's propagating at:
(Speed of light)/(1-alpha)
The curriculum being created will "raise the heights of your perspectives" and will broaden the boundaries of your knowledge" while "deepening the depth of your understandings." This will eventually be equivalent to a PhD in Cosmology. It's likely to take me 2 years to complete creating this courseware.
What would be appropriate pricing for so many revolutionary scientific breakthroughs?
I'm thinking of a quarterly subscription of $18.23 every 3 months. Why such an unusual price? See Pay-It-Forward.TV website for the whole explanation.
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