Could this "paradigm shift" be THE Scientific Breakthrough of the Century?
Could this "paradigm shift" be THE Scientific Breakthrough of the Century?
Signed in as:
"There is a most profound and beautiful question associated with the observed coupling constant, e, the amplitude for a real photon to emit or absorb a real photon.
"Nobody Knows."
It's one of the greatest damn mysteries of physics: a magic number that comes to us with no understanding by man. You might say "the hand of God" wrote that number, and we don't know how He pushed His pencil.
Even Higgs Field theory agrees that "particles" to not have mass "in and of themselves" but the Field Itself gives mass to all particles. What's been missing from Higgs Field theory is the quantization of mass & charge. (Some physicists still "think" that mass is NOT quantized -- for them quantum gravity is an impossible question to answer.)
One new paradigm is all that is needed to:
(1) Understand exactly how mass is quantized.
(2) Understand that charge is quantized at a frequency squareRoot(137.036) or 11.706 times slower than the Planck time.
(3) Each photon is a quadra-polar sequence: Positive(+) Electric potential, then South-North Magnetic polarity, then Negative (-) Electric potential, then North-South Magnetic polarity -- Repeat Forever.
Note that magnetic axis (at right angles with Electric-axis) is always a dipole, it just differs in the direction of that polarity. Electric potential spreads across spatial-dimensions (x,y,z) while magnetic potentials oscillate along the time-dimension.
Wavicles are the root cause behind each particle type. It takes time for wavicles to manifest mass. Each wavicle type has a specific omega~frequency that is ALWAYS a multiple of 1-radian rotations of hBar. The formula is simply: ω_particle = (m_particle*c^2)/hBar. Thus the omega frequency of an electron-wavicle is: omg_e = (m_e*c^2)/hBar = 7.76344e20 Hz. Thus the fundamental increment of mass-time is: m_P*t_P = hBar/c^2 = 1.173369x10^-51 [kg s].
The Higgs Field is interwoven with the electro-magnetic field. These fields permeate all of Space~Time. Consider the 2D surface of a black hole -- it encloses a 3D volume. Take that concept and do two transformations: (1) Turn it inside-out so that we are on the inside edge expanding outward, (2) Scale it up by 1-dimension so that the surface becomes 3D and the contents is the sum-total of all previous 3D surfaces. The leading edge of this ever-expanding 3D surface the Event Horizon that represents the whole universe as it exists right Now.
The Quantum Spirals below show integer multiples of 1-radian rotations. A curious thing happens at 11-radian multiples. The quadra-polar structure is revealed. Specifically study 11, 22, 33, & 44.
The electron-wavicle is the easiest to understand. The highest frequency thing that electrons DO is to manifest negative electric charge -- at a frequency of 1.584505421x10^42 Hz.
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